However, this assumption may not be true if trust-building processes and distrust-building processes in the context of IT usage are different. The Journal of the Association of Information Systems (Journal of AIS), the flagship research journal of the Association for Information Systems, publishes the highest quality scholarship in the field of information systems. My main objective is not to provide a conclusive evaluation of TAM as a research program or a paradigm, but to open the philosophical foundations of TAM for scrutiny so that it can be evaluated not only within the validation rules followed by its proponents, but by applying a set of well known criteria established in the post-positivistic views of science. Published six times a year, the Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS) is the forum for IACIS members and other information systems and business professionals to publish their research. Based upon diagrammatic attention management, this study demonstrates that the type of diagram most commonly used to represent conceptual models is less effective than three other alternatives for validating the models' cardinalities. Drawing upon theories and methods from information systems and upon the Precede-Proceed model of health promotion planning, we explored the double adoption of eHealth technology and its antecedents, self-care practices and their antecedents, and improvements in biomedical outcomes important to long-term diabetes health. The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) is a leading international forum for peer-reviewed research in information science. Drawing on Communication Privacy Management (CPM) theory, we develop a research model suggesting that an individual's privacy concerns form through a cognitive process involving perceived privacy risk, privacy control, and his or her disposition to value privacy. The application of text mining in organizations is growing. In addition, market performance, both initially and over the first three months of trading, is significantly greater for Internet IPOs. I also draw on Kuhn's notion of scientific revolutions to observe the degree to which TAM has become normal science. The findings also suggest that distrust deserves research attention on its own merit. We develop several theoretical propositions regarding the nature of the contribution of these factors toward an adoption decision and discuss measurement tradeoffs and guidelines. In addition, the theoretical expansion of Gallivan's framework can apply to other governmental technological adoptions where ideology and politics play critical roles. The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), the flagship journal of the Association for Information Systems, publishes the highest quality scholarship in the field of information systems. The validity of the findings is strengthened by demonstrating that the hypothesized research model fits the data better than two alternative theoretically-anchored models describing different relationships between the same constructs. We first discuss three limitations of their argument and then offer two alternative viewpoints for analyzing the state of our profession. Organizational information practices can result in a variety of privacy problems that can increase consumers' concerns for information privacy. We conclude that the discipline is best served by focusing on supporting diverse and novel research. Data Science for Social Good, Editorial: Does a Societal Lockdown Treat Gender the Same? Article. Study participants used the eHealth system for a 12-month period after diagnosis in an attempt to acquire an understanding about their diabetes, develop self-care activities (e.g., blood glucose testing), and improve their biomedical outcomes. Issue 3 2013. The paper develops and applies the philosophical understanding to the question of student autonomy. Ironically, our survey of IS program leaders in AACSB-accredited business schools found familiarity with and interest in ABET/CAC standards to be just emerging. This research examines the impacts of the assimilation and use of IT on the financial performance of hospitals. The ISJ has particularly built its reputation by publishing … We examine a panel of 40 countries from 1985-2001, based on data from three distinct generations of IT: mainframes, personal computers, and the Internet. Volume 15. The simulator offers insights into the separate and combined effects of common facilitation practices during the lifecycle of GSS transition. The findings suggest that at the time of publication, electronic publications were seen as less desirable than paper counterparts for tenure and review. Based on this finding, we discuss the main contributions of our study in terms of the strategic role of IT in enhancing firm performance. The journal was e Using Multi-Agent Simulation to Explore the Contribution of Facilitation to GSS Transition, A Two-Process View of Trust and Distrust Building in Recommendation Agents: A Process-Tracing Study, Gaining Agility Through IT Personnel Capabilities: The Mediating Role of IT Infrastructure Capabilities, Identity, Legitimacy and the Dominant Research Paradigm: An Alternative Prescription for the IS Discipline: A Response to Benbasat and Zmud's Call for Returning to the IT Artifact, Phylogeny and Power in the IS Domain: A Response to Benbasat and Zmud's Call for Returning to the IT Artifact, The Social Life of Information Systems Research: A Response to Benbasat and Zmud's Call for Returning to the IT Artifact, Boundary Objects in Design: An Ecological View of Design Artifacts, The Effects of the Assimilation and Use of IT Applications on Financial Performance in Healthcare Organizations, Information Privacy Concerns: Linking Individual Perceptions with Institutional Privacy Assurances, Diagrammatic Attention Management and the Effect of Conceptual Model Structure on Cardinality Validation, A Hybrid Attribute Selection Approach for Text Classification, Online Investment Banking Phase I: Distribution via the Internet and Its Impact on IPO Performance, Comment on Benbasat and Barki's " Quo Vadis TAM" article, Theoretical Explanations for Firms' Information Privacy Behaviors, Popular Concepts beyond Organizations: Exploring New Dimensions of Information Technology Innovations, Beyond Utopian and Nostalgic Views of Information Technology and Education: Implications for Research and Practice, Information System Flexibility and the Cost Efficiency of Business Processes, Using A Positivist Case Research Methodology To Test Three Competing Theories-In-Use Of Business Process Redesign, IT Capabilities, Process-Oriented Dynamic Capabilities, and Firm Financial Performance, A Capabilities-Based Theory of Technology Deployment in Diverse Teams: Leapfrogging the Pitfalls of Diversity and Leveraging Its Potential with Collaborative Technology, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, Journal of the Association for Information Systems website. Furthermore, individuals' perceptions of institutional privacy assurances -- namely, perceived effectiveness of privacy policies and perceived effectiveness of industry privacy self-regulation -- are posited to affect the riskcontrol assessment from information disclosure, thus, being an essential component of privacy concerns. These insights can help the Collaboration Engineering community to identify and package the facilitation routines that are critical for group members to achieve self-sustained GSS use and understand how facilitation routines should be adapted to different stages of GSS transition lifecycle. 203-239. The development of ABET/CAC accreditation standards for IS programs presents an excellent opportunity for IS programs in AACSB-accredited business schools to improve their perceived quality and credibility. The analysis also provides evidence that the effect of infrastructure capabilities on IT-dependent strategic agility is direct, as well as mediated by IT-dependent system and information agility. Variance theory research relies on logical arguments to explain and test the causality relationships among variables. In addition, the effects of assimilation manifest differently across the business and clinical process domains. Across the Digital Divide: A Cross-Country Multi-Technology Analysis of the Determinants of IT Penetration, A Lifetime of Theory and Action on the Ethical Use of Computers: A Dialogue with Enid Mumford, The Process of Introducing FLOSS in the Public Administration: The Case of Venezuela, Adopting Free/Libre/Open Source Software Practices, Techniques and Methods for Industrial Use, A Study of Senior Information Systems Managers' Decision Models in Adopting New Computing Architectures, Technology Adoption by Groups: A Valence Perspective, Consumer Adoption of Net-Enabled Infomediaries: Theoretical Explanations and an Empirical Test, The Clinical Impact of eHealth on the Self-Management of Diabetes: A Double Adoption Perspective, Determinants of Satisfaction at Different Adoption Stages of Internet-Based Services, Sequential Adoption Theory: A Theory for Understanding Herding Behavior in Early Adoption of Novel Technologies. | This paper focuses on IS integration decisions made during mergers and acquisitions from a strategic-alignment lens. Second, I caution against promoting our own new identity too vigorously because self-promotion can produce the undesirable image of an insecure field concerned with its reputation. The journal aims to publish all quality submission in time to ensure the impact of humanities research quickly conveyed, examined, and disseminated worldwide. Finally, IS should avoid the lure of a dominant paradigm. | Based on theory and previous literature, we suggest that observational learning is likely to be common in adoption decisions. | In particular, I review criteria for determining whether TAM is scientific or not in light of post-positivistic debates about the nature of science. Analysis of cross-sectional data collected from 293 IT managers generally corroborates the hypothesized relationships, showing that the technical and behavioral capabilities of IT personnel have a positive effect on infrastructure capabilities. We found that combining the filter and wrapper approaches not only boosts the accuracies of text classifiers but also brings down the computational costs significantly. From the analysis of the survey data, we find an important route of causality, as follows: IT personnel expertise → IT management capabilities → IT infrastructure flexibility → process-oriented dynamic capabilities → financial performance. Using two measures of IT penetration, we conduct an empirical investigation of socio-economic factors driving the digital divide. One viewpoint casts the arguments of Benbasat and Zmud in terms of power in the domain of scholarship. The official journal of the International Association for Computer Information Systems. Traditionally, Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) research has focused on ways of working and ways of modeling. Second, the paper proposes a conceptual model of autonomy, drawing upon some important ideas of Habermas and pragmatist thinking. Moreover, they indicate the value of the multi-agent approach in uncovering new insights and representing the issue of GSS transition with a new view. Finally, drawing upon the conceptual ideas of autonomy presented, I consider five specific approaches to examine the question of the reform of MIS education. Accordingly, the proposed model posits that infomediaries offer two major types of utilitarian benefits to online customers: namely, perceived efficiency and perceived effectiveness. An expanded version of Gallivan's (2001) framework of contingent authority innovation describes the way new policies extended through the public structure of the country. Aims and scope; Instructions for authors; Society information; Journal information; ... Journal of Computer Information Systems, Volume 60, Issue 6 (2020) Research Article . We proffer neither an alternative research agenda nor a research-appropriate evaluation mechanism since we demonstrate that such restrictive policies hinder both our relevance and potential survival. Furthermore, we advance a new nomological structure that positions CMC anxiety as a proximal mediating construct between the more general constructs of computer anxiety, communication apprehension, and CMC familiarity, and the dependent constructs of CMC attitudes and use. Our results enhance understanding about the manner in which the assimilation and use of IT contributes to the financial performance of hospitals. 4 talking about this. In addition, the model predicts that one's willingness to adopt an infomediary is a function of his/her evaluation of the two types of utilitarian benefits of using the infomediary, which are in turn determined by the subjective interpretation of his/her e-commerce transaction environment. Process theory research complements variance theory research by revealing and testing the mechanisms that constitute the processes by which certain variables influence others. Zbigniew Ras; Publishing model Hybrid (Transformative Journal). These foundations translated into four principles underlying all her work: (1) Information systems should be designed to improve the quality of life for all. The Information Systems Journal (ISJ) is an international journal promoting the study of, and interest in, information systems. They encompass a broad category of changes in the firm's processes, ranging from continual adjustments and improvements to radical one-time alterations. > Our contributions are three-fold. Many FLOSS projects have proven to be very successful, producing high quality products with steady and frequent releases. For this purpose, I apply Popper's principle of demarcation, which determines whether a theory-like TAM-is falsifiable and the logical connection argument to show that connections between actions and intentions cannot be subjected to empirical testing similar to connections between chemical entities. Despite its potentially galvanizing effect, a dominant paradigm threatens the rich diversity that has characterized IS research since its inception. They are the IT applications architecture spread, which is the adoption of a broad array of IT solutions, and IT applications architecture longevity, which is the length of experience with use of specific IT solutions. As such, we welcome innovative and provocative contributions taking a specific conceptual, theoretical, methodological, or thematic viewpoint of a particular area of interest to the field. This study develops a research model of how the technical, behavioral, and business capabilities of IT personnel are associated with IT infrastructure capabilities, and how the latter are associated with IT-dependent organizational agility, which is conceptualized as comprising IT-dependent system, information, and strategic agility. **Beginning in 2020, JAIS will now be publishing 6 issues a year. We find that IT penetration is positively associated with national income for all three technology generations, and the association between penetration and income is stronger for countries with higher levels of IT penetration. We question a call by Benbasat and Zmud (2003) to narrow the focus of information systems research to a set of core properties. Strategic Alignment In Mergers And Acquisitions: Theorizing IS Integration Decision making. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) AIS Transactions on Replication Research (TRR) AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (THCI) Affiliated journals include: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) MIS Quarterly Executive … ... Issue 2 2014 Knowledge-based Intelligent System . Technololgy and Social Inclusion We show that firms are somewhat misaligned in the early post-merger period, and come into alignment only two to three years after the merger. Its goal is to support, promote, and advance Accounting Information Systems knowledge. Anxiety and Computer-Mediated Communication. About this journal. The model was tested using data collected from an online questionnaire administered to 367 online shoppers. [CDATA[ We implement the conjectured coordination mechanisms in a multi-agent simulator. > Issue 4 2012 Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment . Finally, I review TAM from the Lakatosian perspective of scientific research programs to evaluate whether the program is advancing or declining. Simultaneously, it visions to become the benchmark for the research and publications in all the fields of Information System and technology management and promote the superior standards globally. We present a theoretical model that details the economics of two generic strategies of IS flexibility (i.e., flexibility-to-use regarding the IS features that are provided at the time of implementation, and flexibility-to-change regarding the IS features that constitute an option for later system upgrade), and that also includes the possibility of process performance outside of the IS (manual operations). Volume 14. This study proposes a theory of diagrammatic attention management to contribute to the exploration of diagram effectiveness. In particular, relationships between design routines and products within ecologies have not received sufficient attention. This paper reflects upon the technology acceptance model (TAM) from the perspective of the post positivistic philosophy of science. In the past few years, there has been a growth in Internet markets run by online investment bankers, where companies and investors can buy and sell initial public offerings (IPOs) of corporate stock. Compared with the effects of IT applications architecture spread, we find that the IT applications architecture longevity has a more significant effect on financial performance. Issue 1 2013. Based on an analysis of the model, we conclude that IS flexibility-to-change is cost efficiently deployed to support a business process characterized by a high level of structural and environmental uncertainty, whereas a low level of process uncertainty corresponds efficiently with IS flexibility-to-use. We study these issues in three oil and gas mergers from pre-merger announcement to three to four years after merger announcement. Post-positivist Review of Technology Acceptance Model. Copyright, //