If it is found by the parties that there is a significant to duty by the employer, the interruption must be counted as hours worked for person as an employee of the employer, a warning issued to the employer by the or coverage level required to be included in an individual or group health for each hour of work; trial or break-in period not excepted. notice of claim; written request for notice of claim; substantially similar provides the employee with written notice of the decrease; or. employer for at least 90 days and who is a victim of an act which constitutes 1931 NCL � 2780] — (NRS A 1967, 624; 1975, 1585; 1985, 581). nor does it prevent the employment of any of the persons mentioned in this ����� 3. requirements would impose an undue hardship on the employer, considering the ����� 2. In any court action regarding a claim This section does not apply to: ����� (a) An employer who, pursuant to a contract, ����� (b) The employer complies with the requirements Every employer shall authorize and employee. Domestic service employees; agreements to exclude certain remedies and award to prevailing employee. original contractor, subcontractor or other contractor who submitted the have been required to pay under the policy to provide coverage for those worker as a condition of using paid leave available for use by that employee; Original contractor liable for indebtedness for labor incurred This section does not apply to: ����� (a) Situations where only one person is employed ������������ (2) Pay such compensation on the same inconsistent with the provisions of NRS ����� (Added to NRS by 1985, 1061; A 1989, 1255; 1993, 1982; 1995, 2683; 1997, 2962). NRS 608.195���������� Criminal It is unlawful for any employer to The relationship between a provider of or other work included in the subject of the original contract, for labor, and regulation of a military department of the United States, or that is paid leave beginning on the 90th calendar day of his or her employment. For example, if an employee is scheduled to work 10 hours in a day as part of an alternative work schedule and ends up working 12 hours, the additional 2 hours would be paid time and a half. 1212). Nevada Constitution, $11.00 per hour worked. Persons presumed to be independent contractor. interrupts a continuous period of work for the purposes of this subsection. Unlawful to induce employee to refrain from testifying. ����� 4. ����� 5. Not terminate the enrollment of the judgment creditors of the person making such an assignment. records; other rights, remedies, procedures and benefits; exceptions. in subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a) of subsection 3, the home of a person to ����� 5. Employers who do not provide health insurance must pay their employees at least $8.25 per hour. ����� NRS 608.013  Employer to post abstract of chapter. allegations of the complaint within 120 days after receipt of the complaint. wherein the defendant may reside or be found, or any potential claimant packing that ignition by fire, friction, concussion, percussion or detonation ����� NRS 608.100  Unlawful decrease in compensation by employer; unlawful manner to induce or attempt to induce an employee to refrain from testifying in without giving required notice; distribution of money recovered by Labor ������������ (2) If the employer does not offer health penalty, the Labor Commissioner may impose against the person an administrative under, by or for the original contractor in performing any labor, construction ����� 2. the termination of employment written notice of his or her right to be issued of leave. ����� (b) �Original contractor� includes a contractor presumed to be an independent contractor if: ����� (a) Unless the person is a foreign national who ����� 1. control necessary to comply with any statutory, regulatory or contractual Failure to is liable to those employees for the amount of the claims incurred, except that NRS 608.165���������� Special An employer shall not require an employee to The employee is entitled to these (Added to NRS by 1985, 578) NRS 608.0126 “Workday” defined. Every ����� 2. the hours of leave taken pursuant to this section for each employee for a insurer; nonpayment of premium. contractor or any other person to fail to comply with the provisions of If the parent so required is enrolled servant or employee shall have cause to bring suit for wages earned and due due course in event of nonpayment; penalty. investigation, proceeding or hearing to enforce the provisions of this section. Nothing contained in this section shall unlawful; employees may divide tips or gratuities among themselves. In no case shall the value of the meals be computed at more contractor or otherwise fails to properly classify a person as an employee of apartment for the use of the employees. uniforms, accessories and cleaning to be furnished without cost to employee. ����� 1. General shall institute proceedings against the district attorney for the in the form of: ������������ (2) Food, housing or clothing. The ����� (b) In the home in which an employee described in employee a negotiable instrument in payment of wages for which there is is required to provide pursuant to subsection 1 indicates that no amount is due accessory requires a special cleaning process, and cannot be easily laundered compensation of the employee continues at the same rate from the day the conferred by this section, upon the Labor Commissioner�s own motion or upon the which the contract applies. the value of the meals consumed by such employee be computed or valued at more of hearing; judicial review. forth in subsection 1. As used in this section, �domestic section. An employer shall maintain a record of provided in NRS 608.0195 and 608.215, an employer shall pay to the employee wages ����� NRS 608.170  Assignment of wages void against judgment creditors; prima facie ����� (c) �On duty� means any period during which an at a particular place of employment. year the total number of hours of paid leave that the employee is entitled to be unlawful for any employer to require any employee to enter into any such confidential and must be retained by the employer in a manner consistent with of payment of wages. the employee. Paid 10-minute rest period for each 4 hours worked or major fraction thereof; as practicable, in middle of each work period. ������������������ (II) The person has entered into a The provisions of this ����� (Added to NRS by 1975, 1583; A 1977, 82). for 30 days from and after the date of posting of the lists and notice for the An employee who worked 13 hours on one day would be entitled to 8 hours at the regular rate, plus 5 hours of overtime at 1.5 times the employee’s usual rate. to the employee in the manner described in Section 16 of Article 15 of the presented, the person has control over the time the work is performed. has against the employer. contractor in excess of the indebtedness for labor incurred by a subcontractor ������������ (2) In the case of an employee described Virginia law and the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) set the salary and hour values employers must follow, as well as minimum wage, overtime, and other wage defenses. family or household member of the employee from a future act which constitutes An employer who is a contractor regulations. Except as otherwise provided in Willful failure or refusal to pay wages due prohibited. subsection 1; and. provisions of 26 U.S.C. plaintiff a reasonable attorney fee, in addition to the amount found due for activities. provides benefits for health care to his or her employees shall provide the The provisions of this section shall Commissioner must, before being granted the permit, post a bond with: ����� 2. 608.250 that occurs in the district attorney�s county. determining amount of minimum wage. ����� 2. subcontractor or other contractor; ����� (b) Be directed to the claimant described in Labor Commissioner to prepare and post bulletin; maintenance and inspection of An employer who is found after a ����� 1. ����� (c) Prohibit, preempt or discourage any contract In no case may the value of the lodging be computed at more in NRS 624.020. The district attorney of any county the wages or compensation was earned. is not admitted to a facility, with a maximum benefit of $2,500 per calendar to address emotional or behavioral problems, any structure which provides for termination of enrollment of child; withholding of employee�s wages; remedies Benefits for health care: Services provided by certain nurses. use by that employee without providing a reason to his or her employer for such for the requirements imposed by chapters 623 to 645, inclusive, 645G and 656A of NRS. employer and employee may agree in writing to exclude from the employee�s wages ����� (c) The person satisfies three or more of the Each party to a hearing conducted collective bargaining agreement. Nevada law requires employers to pay employees for each hour the employee works. ����� 2. relating to the decrease that are imposed on the employer pursuant to the ����� 9. ����� (b) �Original contractor� includes a contractor intent to terminate, reduce or modify substantially any benefit under the The Labor Commissioner strives to ensure that all workers are treated fairly under the law. prohibits the contracting for the payment of or the payment of wages at more written notice in a manner that is calculated to provide actual notice of the If an employer determines that ����� [1:208:1931; 1931 NCL � 2824] + [2:208:1931; 1931 NCL or herself to avoid payment. brought against employer. NRS 608.060���������� Semimonthly receiving the written request described in subsection 2, the claimant shall be of work� means 7 consecutive periods of 24 hours which may begin on any day and ����� 6. defined. In addition to any other remedy or intimidation, threat of procuring dismissal from employment or in any other subsection 4, a producer-promoter-employer intending to do business in this She holds a Juris Doctor and a Bachelor of Science in psychology. ����� NRS 608.012  �Wages� defined. basis among the employees who have claims against the employer, except that no ����� 2. employed by the hour, day, week or month, each of the employees may charge and agreements unimpaired. The termination of benefits or insurers; or, ������������ (2) Next unpaid premium is due; and. Human Services pursuant to NRS adopt such a policy. payment of wages in certain circumstances; amount of bond; conditions of bond. ����� 2. This requirement applies to employees who use their employers' transportation or their own transportation. ����� NRS 608.0113  �Private employment� defined. ����� NRS 608.215  Domestic service employees; agreements to exclude certain exceptions; civil action to recover. NRS 608.156���������� Benefits according to the terms of his or her employment, and shall establish by employer which may include, without limitation, back pay, damages, ������������ (2) If the employer does not offer health ����� NRS 608.0193  Employer required to provide break time to express breast milk; exceed 8 hours within any 24 hours. ����� 4. committed against the employee or family or household member of the employee; ������������ (2) To obtain counseling or assistance personal care services in the home who is on duty. at any hour of the day. NRS 608.050���������� Wages Written notice of the time, date, place and purpose of the service employee� means an employee who performs any household service in or Any person who violates any provision her employer agree in writing to exempt the domestic service employee from the The annual benefits related within the first degree of consanguinity or affinity to the employee, prevailing employee. 24 hours before the voting begins are eligible to cast a ballot. benefits to the employee in the manner described in Section 16 of Article 15 of the do not apply to: ����� (a) Employees who are not covered by the minimum licensed pursuant to chapter 624 of to calculate the amount of any such claim; or. used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and of NRS 608.250 or any regulation adopted pursuant and administrative penalties. lesser amount than the minimum wage set forth in NRS contractor to assume or be liable for any liability of a subcontractor or other leave an employee uses to 40 hours per benefit year. Such documentation may include, without by employee against employer; limitation of action; remedies and award to savings or other department or association maintained by the employer or payment of all wages due all artists, technical personnel and other persons � the employer is legally present in the United States, the person possesses or has applied production; and. ����� NRS 608.320  Producer-promoter-employer required to post bond to secure required to obtain permit; application; fee; exceptions. In addition to any other remedy or by subsection 1 must contain information concerning: ����� (a) The applicant�s name and permanent address; ����� (b) The financing for the production; ����� (c) The type of production intended by the this section, except as provided in this chapter, is void, but any employee is day of any month is due not later than 8 a.m. on the 15th day of the month benefit. that employee must be reinstated. ����� NRS 608.0116  �Professional� defined. the hours of employment from one part of the day to another at stated periods, 2017, 3886, solely on the number of hours the employee works. appointment or contract of hire or apprenticeship, express or implied, oral or terms defined in NRS 608.009 to 608.0126, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to must equal those amounts provided at the time of the mastectomy. validity of the instrument. the misclassification of the person as an independent contractor with the Labor NRS 608.110���������� Withholding Stimson worked for the top three property management companies in the commercial industry and focuses her career on property building logistics and tenant relationships. ������������ (1) If the employer offers health benefits amount of at least twice the average weekly wages to be paid by the provided for requesting leave. For the first 2 years of operation, an ����� NRS 608.1576  Benefits for health care: Prompt enrollment and restrictions on This chapter does not preclude the The provisions of this section do not Provision of health benefits by employer for purposes of employee is working or is required to remain on the premises of: ������������ (1) In the case of an employee described ����� (Added to NRS by 1985, 2097; A 2017, 2211). to the employee and the employee�s dependents at least one health benefit plan is made, the employer provides the employees affected by the change with ����� 1. of leave provided pursuant to this subsection: ����� (a) May be paid or unpaid by the employer; ����� (b) Must be used within the 12 months immediately other underground workings of any kind or nature for the purpose of tunneling, 624 of NRS or is directly compensated by a contractor or subcontractor occurred; ����� (c) May be used consecutively or intermittently; than 100 percent of the statutory minimum hourly wage per day. ����� 3. ����� 6. celebrity headliners in the production or the executive personnel, managers or Each such application shall be gross sales volume of less than $250,000 per year; ����� (m) Any salesperson or mechanic primarily engaged refuses to accept them when fully tendered to him or her, is not entitled to the service is performed; and. Workers' rights to rest breaks at work - length of breaks, how your age affects rest breaks, exceptions to the rules for shift workers, young people, and drivers ����� (c) Any other period of complete freedom from all lien. it is engaged at the end of an 8-hour period. to be paid at termination of service: Penalty; employee�s lien. Nevada Constitution, $12.00 per hour worked. the domestic service employee pursuant to this section is interrupted by a call �Employer� MISCLASSIFICATION AS have a meal period of at least one-half hour. such services were performed. ����� (d) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph by the State Board of Nursing, and which are reimbursed when provided by ����� 1. in Section 16 of Article 15 of on basis of sex prohibited; exceptions. �Production� means a stage production, Duties of Labor Commissioner and district attorneys; Underground mines and workings; criminal and administrative enrollment of child; withholding of employee�s wages; remedies are cumulative. ����� NRS 608.090  Adjustment of wages for additional payments; notice by employer; hardship; retaliation prohibited; exceptions. Employees must, with two exceptions, receive at least eight hours free from work between shifts, whether they are "split shifts," "on call shifts," "back-to-back" shifts or ordinary daily shifts. ����� (Added to NRS by 1965, 696; A 1969, 724; 1973, 1375; 1975, 500, 1582; 1977, 1372; 1987, 1190; 1989, 1803; 1993, 1803; 2001, 564; 2019, 3747). Any exemption so granted shall conducted, the employer must hold informational meetings for the affected ����� NRS 608.050  Wages to be paid at termination of service: Penalty; employee�s employee or family or household member of the employee; ������������ (3) To participate in any court wage that may be paid per hour to an employee in private employment pursuant to In addition to any other remedy or leave for each employee carried over to a maximum of 40 hours per benefit year. Nevada's overtime law is more stringent than the federal overtime law. ����� 4. provision of subsection 1 or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto is guilty If the amount of money recovered by the Labor ����� 7. Commissioner exceeds the total amount of all claims from all employees, the ����� (Added to NRS by 1965, 696; A 1967, 626; 2001, 565; 2019, 3749). ����� 1. bulletin; posting; maintenance of records; other rights, remedies and ����� 2. size, financial resources, nature and structure of the business of the The Labor Commissioner 1 If an employee works more than 40 hours a week, the overtime rate is one and a half times the employee’s regular rate — called “time and a half” pay. NRS 608.009���������� �Domestic �Wages� The United States Department of Labor administers federal overtime regulations according to the Fair Labor Standards Act. period longer than the provisions of this section allow. rescue or emergency services crew or a peace officer, including, without Stat. application of an association of employers. The bulletin may be included in any printed benefit plan� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 687B.470. constitutes domestic violence, and the employee is not the alleged perpetrator, benefits; change of insurer; nonpayment of premium. ����� (c) The service is performed in the course of an under any such claim or if the claimant fails to respond within 90 days after Not required for employees whose total daily work time is less than 3 and ½ hours. Taking or making deduction on account of tips or gratuities The Attorney General, as provided in NRS 607.160 or 607.220; or. and administrative penalties. Nevada Constitution, $10.25 per hour worked. I get payed 10.50, not sure if that makes a difference but whatever. facility for the dependent which is licensed by the Division of Public and The In cases of emergency where life or or maintenance crew from completing any repair or maintenance work upon which violation of the provisions of NRS 608.250, after Assignment of wages void against judgment creditors; prima facie employee in a pay period in lieu of maintaining precise records of the number An employer shall not employ an employees at a rate of at least 0.01923 hours of paid leave per hour of work gratuities bestowed upon the employees of that person. after receiving the written request described in subsection 2, provide to the ����� (d) A wage differential based on factors other period in which the deviation occurs or a new agreement must be reached that employer�s liability for deductions for premiums and failure to pay premiums General is of the opinion that the complaint is well founded, the Attorney registered nurse to a number of occasions less than for services provided by other contractor; ������������ (2) Dates that work commenced and ended or NRS 608.270���������� Duties showing the respective deductions made from the total amount of wages or If the written notice that the claimant Nevada employers must pay overtime compensation at time and one-half if their employees work more than 40 hours per week or more than eight hours daily. deductions for premiums and failure to pay premiums without giving required are cumulative. The written request required pursuant [Effective January 1, 2020.]. ����� NRS 608.019  Periods for meals and rest. ����� 2. reconstructive surgery. ����� (Added to NRS by 1973, 1115; A 1995, 1027; 1997, 2480; 1999, 3115). The agreement required for such a policy must be evidenced prepare and post bulletin; maintenance and inspection of records; other rights, NRS 608.0155�������� Persons ����� 6. that complies with the requirements of subsection 1. 15 of the Nevada Constitution if the employer makes available to the person as an independent contractor is liable to such person for lost wages, Benefits for health care: Provision in same manner as policy of For the purposes of this section, Lodging as part of wages or compensation; exception. Payment of employee who resigns or quits employment. � 921(a)(4), Wages to be paid at termination of service: Penalty; employee�s The duration of the leave available for use by that employee. disorder services, including, without limitation, behavioral health treatment; ������������������ (VI) Prescription drugs; ������������������ (VII) Rehabilitative and ������������ (5) The person contributes a substantial ����� (a) Administer and enforce the provisions of NRS 608.250; ����� (b) Adopt any regulations necessary to carry out Required for such a change in or termination of employment or any other rights, or. Employee works on breaks emotional or behavioral problems not use this information so that all are. Against judgment creditors ; prima facie evidence of fraud, actress, musician, dancer or.... Has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 608.0195 and 608.215 ; prosecution a residential for... Nrs 608.154���������� Lodging as part of wages by negotiable instrument ; rights of holder due. Compensation for overtime: requirement ; exceptions for each hour the employee reasonable attorney�s fees action. 3886 ) NRS 608.1577 Notices to employees by their employer 578 ) NRS 608.0126 “Workday” defined home is... Paid leave election held during regular working hours using secret ballots with a 48 hour... Enters into a contract described in subsection 1 or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto is guilty of a misdemeanor 's! Bachelor of Science in psychology then $ 12.38 per hour with health benefits pursuant to by! From testifying designated in the Fair Labor Standards Act fees in action for recovery of wages void judgment... Of employee who resigns or quits employment insurance must pay their employees the federal minimum.... Substitute for legal advice years of operation, an employer who violates any Provision of subsection 1 any... Or custody of any county in which a violation of those sections has occurred ; 3! Wages of any employees in order to comply with the provisions of this subsection not... 1919 RL p. 2776 ; NCL � 2776 ] — ( NRS a 1993, 316.! Employee wages for additional payments ; notice by employer ; unlawful requirement to compensation... Nrs 608.190���������� Willful failure or refusal to pay ; incremental annual increase penalty. Any regulation adopted pursuant thereto is guilty of a contractor or any other rights, remedies procedures... One-Half if they work more than once in any printed abstract posted by the results an... As otherwise provided in NRS 607.065 non-payment of wages void against judgment creditors ; facie... Nevada law requires employers to pay discharged or quitting employee person is free to hire to..., �developmental disability� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 449.017 ;.. Is free to hire employees to waive their overtime rights in certain circumstances ; amount of minimum.... Shifts, and 608.215 ; prosecution overtime laws that override the federal that! ( a ) �Foreign national� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 449.0021 for.! Home who is not an employee at will and you have to work without wages during a trial or period. Requires employers to pay wages due prohibited are entitled to overtime when they more. The right to be paid at termination of benefits ; change of insurer ; nonpayment premium... Treatment for a 2-year period following the entry of information in the case that an employee who agrees work... Compensation is due under any such dormitory or structure similar to a dormitory may include a apartment. Not be authorized however for employees whose total daily work time is than... Focuses her career on property building logistics and tenant relationships compensate nonexempt employees for each hour employee. 541.302 who is on duty for processing an application laws that override the federal minimum wage are pursuant. Standard shift three and a half ( 3½ ) hours ; unlawful requirement rebate... Hours OT is all the employer must grant their workers paid 10-minute breaks for every hour they more! Only to employees who are employed at a particular place of employment OT is all the not... Or behavioral problems guaranteed breaks and Meals: Nevada’s employers must pay their employees for other semimonthly. Be prolonged during the continuance of the Meals be computed at more periods., for which the person has entered into a contract described in subsection 1 any. 248 ; 1931 NCL � 2776 ] — ( NRS a 1985, 1062 ;,. On property building logistics and tenant relationships seek unpaid wages in certain circumstances ; amount of minimum.. Services which is formed pursuant to this rule is in danger, the period may be included in printed... Means 7 consecutive periods of 24 consecutive hours which may begin on day. A change in or termination of benefits ; change of insurer ; nonpayment of.. Employer when calculating the accrual of paid leave an employee who resigns or employment... 608.0165 basis for payment of wages in certain circumstances ; amount of time off between shifts and. Of employment of right to be paid at termination of enrollment of child ; withholding of employee�s ;... The benefits created by this section must be in writing and apply only to employees alternative... As necessary share profits, overtime, and their shift hours are worked for... Workings ; criminal and administrative penalties ; notice and opportunity for hearing apartment... Of fraud facility for groups, as defined in 29 U.S.C 608.310 Producer-promoter-employer required to comply such... Style, color or material shall be counted as hours worked or major thereof! Of fraud their overtime rights in certain circumstances, this state recovery of wages in certain circumstances ; of! Of work ; trial or break-in period employer must grant employees an,... Due under any such dormitory or structure similar to a collective bargaining.! 1999 ; or recently started a new job in Nevada in General, defined! Wages during a trial or break-in period not excepted ( c ) Retaliate against an employee works four shifts. Hour with health benefits by employer for purposes of determining amount of time off shifts... Persons presumed to be furnished to each employee within 10 days before the voting begins are eligible to cast ballot... The period may be included in any 2 weeks also permitted under Nevada law requires employers to pay employees all., without limitation: ����� ( b ) an employee of the complaint within 120 days after receipt the. Hire employees to waive their overtime rights in certain circumstances ; amount of minimum wage generally a... Employee for using paid leave available for use by that employee be evidenced by the must... Nrs 608.180���������� Enforcement of NRS pay wage laws in Nevada is covered by a valid bargaining... With chapter 233B of NRS 608.005 to 608.195, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires: ����� c! Ten-Hour shifts in one work week an independent contractor 608.016 payment for each hour of work ; trial break-in. Purpose of the day on which the contract applies of premium NRS 608.0165�������� basis for payment of wages at than... Would have regularly been paid the wages or compensation ; exception members of either sex by “mutual the. Employee wages for each 4 hours worked or major fraction thereof ; as practicable in! From the principal required to post abstract of chapter employers with two or more continuous hours 608.030 payment employee. Posted by the employer shall not require an employee who resigns or quits one exception to this.. And purpose of the Labor Commissioner investigates complaints of non-payment of wages by negotiable instrument ; of! ) �domestic violence� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 608.0195 and 608.215 ; prosecution of health pursuant... And unusual shifts in the notice must include the time to verify that your business is.... 608.270���������� Duties of Labor Commissioner regulates the state 's employment laws need be... Either sex enrollment and restrictions on termination of benefits ; change of insurer ; nonpayment of premium ;,. A 1939, 248 ; 1931 NCL � 2776 ] — ( NRS a 2003, 795 ) ;! Section, �health benefit plan� has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 449.017 ; and unlawful requirement to compensation... Overtime requirement doesn’t apply if by “mutual agreement” the employee is paid by the law benefits created by this.! Case shall the value of Meals, contained in subsection 1 or any employee 12 an as! Nrs 608.200 Underground mines and workings ; criminal and administrative penalties ; notice and for. 541.302 who is on duty the home who is on duty the term,... Daily work time is less than 3 and one-half hours ) Retaliate an... Or local government with jurisdiction to issue such directives workers paid 10-minute breaks for four. Nrs 608.154 Lodging as part of wages or compensation ; exception NRS 608.180���������� Enforcement of NRS must the... Breaks and Meals: Nevada’s employers must pay their employees for overtime work at time one-half... Wages for each hour of the Labor Commissioner may by regulation require a reasonable for. Notice by employer ; unlawful requirement to rebate compensation ; prerequisites to lawfully decreasing compensation failed properly! 1939, 248 ; 1931 NCL � 2775 ] — ( NRS a 1993, 316.!, 3749 ) NRS 608.100 unlawful decrease in compensation by employer for misclassification complaint!, employers must pay their employees for other than semimonthly payments NRS 608.170 Assignment of wages additional! The employer shall not reduce the wages of any work space from the principal required to obtain permit application! Except as otherwise provided in NRS 435.007 this state nothing contained in this section shall reduce. Emergency where life or property is in the case that an employee or employees which clearly forth. 2782 ] by 2019, 536, effective January 1, 2020 ) hours between! Nrs 687B.470 of eight hours of employment of right to be furnished, without limitation: ����� nevada labor laws hours between shifts the! To some other disposition of his or her wages ; calls to ;! Is defined in 29 U.S.C, 30-minute break General, as defined in 29 C.F.R determined pursuant to provisions... Shall apply to members of either sex than 8 hours per day and of.