The United States and its European allies will lose their former power on the world stage. A Guaranteed, 100% Accurate Prediction of What Will Happen to the Market in 2021. In the 21st century, Europe should seriously fear a huge invasion of Muslims, which could lead to wars. After 2021, the Great Prophet will appear in Russia and create a global religion that can unite all of humanity. I don’t think it will be another virus, but I can imagine the reaction will be alarmist, given what’s happened this year.”. “I’m seeing people moving somewhere for a better life, almost like a mass exodus. According to El Heraldo de Mexico Mercado, the Nos Man predicts major floods in Europe, a worldwide economic collapse, a deadly war (although not necessarily WWIII – once bitten, twice shy) and advances in technology. South Londoner Nicolas Aujula, 35, spoke back in 2018 of an “influenza” disaster dominating the world – a vision which he now believes foretold the Covid-19 outbreak, the effect of which has been likened to Spanish flu. Obviously I hope that doesn’t come to fruition,” he said. More investors and experts are concerned about a potential stock market crash. “I’m also seeing another baby for her and Harry.”. But we can look at some of the factors that might contribute to a 2021 housing crash. “I’m seeing people moving somewhere for a better life, almost like a mass exodus. Elsewhere, he has seen visions of Rishi Sunak resigning, a fire raging through New York, USA – and potential heartbreak for three A-List celebrities. “I keep getting the words ‘Tom Cruise’ and ‘heart’ coming to me,” he said. “We live in a logical world and so don’t always see these messages, but I think we all have that sixth sense in us. He also predicted Trump losing the US election, as well as global protests - both of which happened in 2020. For Belarus and Ukraine, Matrona predicted that they would turn their backs on their brother – Russia – and fall under the influence of the West, this would lead them to revolutions and wars. My predictions for 2021 are from a source of love and light. 2021 astrology prediction: What's going to happen in 2021 with Brexit and coronavirus THE YEAR of 2020 wasn't what we were expecting, and nobody is sure what's going to happen in 2021 … Technology related predictions due to make an impact in 2021 include: The big business future behind self-driving cars: Future of Transportation P2; Cloud computing becomes decentralized: Future of Computers P5; A fading Moore’s Law to spark fundamental rethink of microchips: Future of Computers P4; The digital storage revolution: Future of Computers P3 I have visions of it plateauing after the new year and infection rates being right down to the point where they are under control by the spring. POSTED April 12, 2020: There are actually two dangerous periods in 2021 for events to quickly evolve into World War III in Europe: the seventh year anniversary of the beginning of the Russian invasion and war in eastern Ukraine in February 2021... a war that still rages ... and a possible mega-revolution in Russia and Germany that may also involve Ukraine and other adjacent regions like Hungary and Poland in October … Some of Nicolas’ more light-hearted visions include Peter Andre relaunching his music career, a new Harry Potter book, and a digestive biscuit going viral for reasons that are, as of yet, unclear to him. FDA endorses safety and efficacy of Moderna's COVID vaccine . Talking heads on CNBC and all over Twitter start espousing what they think is going to happen going into the next year. The most interesting predictions from the participants of the popular “Battle of Psychics”, which was broadcast on the TNT channel: Our Standards, Terms of Use: Standard Terms And Conditions. But while there are no guarantees, there are some predictions. Worryingly, some of the predictions he has spell trouble and heartache in the year ahead. This year though, the prediction machine has been somewhat subdued. These predictions may help guide you if you’re planning on purchasing a home or refinancing before the end of the year or in 2021. As of November 20, 2020, the U.S. housing market is incredibly strong. We’ll also need to take a look at climate change. Nicolas’ forecast for 2021 also sees protests around the world continuing for the next two to three years and includes visions of civil unrest. Now the past life regression therapist, hypnotherapist and psychic astrologer has looked ahead to 2021 and beyond, saying: "Some of my visions are very literal. The US election was obviously very neck-and-neck, so it was surreal seeing my vision come true when Joe Biden finally took the lead.”. Nicolas, who believes he was an Egyptian queen and a lion in past lives, first became aware of his psychic talents as a child, but had his first truly overwhelming experience when he was 17. No, it is NOT expected that Florida will have legalized sports wagering in 2021. Since then, he has had regular visions, some of which come to him through dreams and others that strike when he is out and about.